
New Incline X22i

Have your own personal coach and travel around the world without leaving home!


We introduce the new NordicTrack®   - Incline Trainer X22i.

This treadmill has not only a great HD screen, but also allows you to burn up to 5 times more calories than any other treadmill!

The 22” HD screen ensures unique experiences and senses when you train in any corner of the world and with the most famous personal coaches. With Google Maps or iFIT Coach Plus, you will travel around the world without leaving your home. We promise that your workouts will not get boring, as you will have a chance to turn your usual running routines into dynamic, exciting, a lot more efficient and super-motivating! Only with iFIT® software.

The NordicTrack® X22i is suitable not only for advanced runners but also for beginners. Using the incline/decline function (-6◦ ​​even up to 40◦) you can work with different muscle groups, set your goal, aim and prepare for your desired outdoor activities. NordicTrack® X22i is ideal for people who want to improve their physical condition and appearance. The time spent on the running track will not look like an eternity due to the vicious imagery and inspiring coaches.

ICON, a manufacturer of NordicTrack® treadmills, is one of the most advanced and largest manufacturers on the market. Although they are still new in Europe, but in the United States NordicTrack® treadmills are ranked in the highest positions and recommended by the best personal coaches!

We guarantee – you will not be disappointed having a NordicTrack® treadmill in your home!