
Change the overgrip on your tennis racket

Time to change the overgrip on your tennis racket

If the tennis racket feels slippery in your hand, you are not able to control the movement of the racket. Control and precision are particularly significant in tennis. We are sure that you want to do everything that your racket would not slip from your hands. Replacing an old overgrip with a sticky new overgrip can help you do that. Changing your tennis overgrip is quite easy to do, and it is a must for tennis players to learn how to do it right.

Missing a shot just because your tennis racket slipped from your hands is not the only one outcome of not taking care of your racket overgrip. Majority of the time tennis rackets are stored in caliginous locations without good ventilation. After a few tennis games of absorbing humidity, that overgrip can become a perfect rearing ground for bacteria. So this can lead to calluses, traumas or even serious disease.

There are lot of components that establish how often an overgrip has to be replaced - moisture, the intensity of play and perspiration are main elements that encourages you to replace overgrip. Usually, overgrip has to be changed every 6-8 hours of play and it takes only 2-3 minutes if you know how. It can be changed by experienced tennis players and coaches or you can do it by yourself after watching the video below with detailed instructions.

Furthermore, do not forget that racket needs to be stored in fresh air. They can not be left in your sports bag, or in your trunk of the car. Give them some fresh air so the humidity can transpire very quickly!

Watch the video and good luck on the tennis court!